I’m Trouble.

First, I’ve succumbed to the devil that is the iPhone.  After a bunch of half hearted debating, and worrying, both of which are typical Theresa traits, I decided to take the plunge.  Most people seem to love it, and the small sample of people I polled seemed to think it wasn’t an altogether bad idea.  So, I bit the bullet and I bought it.  My  husband has one and so it isn’t like I’m totally unfamiliar with it.  There’s just something about it that I can’t quite put my finger on.  Something I don’t like.  Something that rubs me the wrong way.  I’m hoping that whatever it is will fade into oblivion once I’ve had the thing a while and fall in love with it. 

Second, I’m starting to really grasp the craziness that is my fabric obsession.  It started off innocently enough, but it’s really spiraled out of control.  I keep buying things with no plan, building my stash, so that when it came time to make something, when inspiration hit, I’d be ready.  As it turns out, when inspiration hits, I want to buy new things!  So, I’m thinking, once my project is finished, which at the most will be about 2 weeks, I’m going to make some plans for the things I already have.  It’s just so nerve-wracking to cut into something and take the chance of ruining it.  Like I did with that Far Far Away fabric.  I’m sure it’s salvageable, but for now it breaks my heart a little.  And it’s make me rotary cutter shy.  Which brings me to something else, sorta random.  My rotary cutter blades–how long should they last, and am I doing something wrong.  I put on a new blade, and it cuts beautifully.  For a day or two.  But after that, no more.  Is it the brand I’m using (Olfa) or is it me?  What could I be doing wrong?  Those blades are expensive, and it’s annoying to have to go over what I’ve cut more than once.  Or get at it with scissors.  Any help would be appreciated.

And in some other news…I stopped by my parent’s house to pick up their mail, etc., and found the quilt I’d made my mother crumpled up in the chair in her den.  Which means she’s using it!  Which makes me very happy!

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One Comment on “I’m Trouble.”

  1. Dorrie Says:

    The iphone will grow on you. . .I’m a Mac user and I heart the iphone! As far as your bulging stash (that reads a bit odd~lol) welcome to the club! It’s amazing what an addiction it becomes! I hope you’ll reattempt your Far Far Away fabrics, I wanted to use mine in a quilt, but was a bit skeptical about the gauziness, so I backed mine with the sheerest, fusible stablizer I could find~sews like a dream. As for your rotary blades, yes they should last a LONG time. Maybe take your down to your local quilt shop and have them take a look at it for you~I’ve had people bring them in the shop before and in most cases we fix ’em right up!

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