Twenty Ten

Happy New Year!

I’ve been missing.  Missing from the blog, missing from sewing, missing from life, really.  I sorta checked out for a while, mentally, emotionally, physically even.  But I think I’m back.  I had the last almost 2 weeks off, and spent time relaxing-something I’m not really super good at.  I mean, sure, I’m good at sitting around watching tv and doing nothing, but I’m not really relaxing.  I’m always obsessing over the things I meant to do, need to do, should be doing.  Which leads to what seems like laziness, but is really just paralysis.  I get overwhelmed and can’t move.

So.  I decided, after Christmas, after all the family obligation business was over, that I was just going to take the week to do nothing, or at least, whatever I felt like doing, and if what i felt like doing ended up being nothing, well, that would be ok.  And you know, I’ve gone almost a whole week without crying.  I feel happy.  I feel optimistic.  I’m glad to be back at work, glad to get back to a routine.  I am keeping my plans for the new year small, simple.  I’m hopeful that these small, simple goals will lead to bigger things, but for now, I just want to be happy. 

So, my goals, if you want to hear them, are these: to spend less money on unnecessary things; to cook at home; to eat more healthy; to be more healthy.  I know if I can accomplish these things, I will be able to move forward happily.

As for sewing, I haven’t done much.  I haven’t felt inspired.  My dear mother in law bought me two books for Christmas though, One Yard Wonders and Applique Your Way and yesterday I broke out some of the Amy Butler Love fabric to make a bag from the first.  It’s going together slowly (mostly because I am not good with following actual patterns) but I think it will turn out nicely.  It felt good to get in there and do a little sewing!  I might even work on it some more tonight!  And if I can find my stupid battery charger for my stupid camera, I might even have some pictures to show.

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3 Comments on “Twenty Ten”

  1. Heidi Says:

    I know exactly what you are saying. Sometimes I feel like I don’t sit down all day but still can’t seem to check things off the to do list. I need some happiness in my world too!
    I’m trying to walk everyday – I’m hoping that it will energize me and help me sort through all the things in my life/world. So far so good.. walked for 3.5 miles after taking kids to school this morning!

    Good luck! It’s never easy.. but we can do this!

  2. Angie Says:

    I’m happy to read that you are “back.” It is so easy for me to get overwhelmed, but keep adding things to my list all the while.

  3. Dorrie Says:

    Isn’t it funny how deep, down inside the same things bother each of us! Holidays can be so stressful, to the point it takes all the fun out of it. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Keep your focus centered~if you don’t take care of yourself, it makes it so much harder to take care of others. How’s Murphy? I bet he’s getting big! Hugs!

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